Monday, March 06, 2006

Langford and Lankford Caroline County Virginia

Contributed by Anne @

Caroline County was formed in 1728 from the Upper Parts of Essex, King
and Queen and King William counties. The only remaining colonial
records remaining (with the exception of a few items) are the court
order books. The book covering the first four years is no longer
extant. The first entry is Court 11 May 1732.

10 Aug 1732 - Robert Beverly as exe of Henry Beverly dec'd agt Nicholas
Lankford. He attached one broad ax to pay the debt.
14 Dec 1732 - George Hoomes Jr agt James Lankford. Jury finds for
defendant. George Hoomes to pay Robert Woolfolk 180 pounds for 6 days
attendance as an evidence for him.
Mar 1733 - James Lankford to pay Saml Chapman 180 pounds for six days
attendance as evidence for him ads Hoomes.

11 Apr 1733 - Debt. Henry Jones agt Nicholas Lankford. Dismissed
10 Jan 1734 - Robert Baber adm of Joseph Andrews agt Nicholas Lankford.
11 Jul 1734 - William Burdett agt Nicholas Lankford. Judgment for pltf
for 300 tob.
08 Nov 1734 - Head Lynch agt Nicholas Lankford, dismissed
10 Jan 1735 - John Waller agt Nicholas Lankford. Pltf to recover 3L
John Waller to pay William Waller 135tob for 1 day attendance & coming
and going 25 miles as evidence.
08 Aug 1735 - Head Lunch agt Nicholas Lankford. Pltf to recover 5.18.7
09 Jul 1736 - Nicholas Lankford was brought before this court by virtue
of a warrant from George Hoomes, to have the benefit of the Act for the
relief of poor prisoners in debt. Nicholas delivered up a schedule of
his estate and was then discharged out of the Sheriff's custody upon the
account of the executions he was put in prison for.
13 Aug 1736 - Debt. Richard Tunstall agt Nicholas Lankford. Thomas
Durrum and James Jones as special bail for the deft.
10 Sep 1736 - Nicholas Lankford confessed judgment to Rich Tunstall for 7.14
10 Sep 1736 - Action of trespass- Nicho. Lankford agt William Burdett.
Deft not appearing and attachment is awarded agst his estate.
15 Jan 1737 - Nicho Lankford agt William Burdett. Judgment granted pltf
unless deft pleads at next court
15 Jan 1737 - Roger Quarles agt Nicholas Lankford. Judgment for pltf for
867 tob.
13 May 1737 - Nicholas Lankford agt William Burdett. Jury finds for
pltf. 5 sterling
10 Jun 1737 - Henry Armistead agt James Lankford. Defendant not
appearing, an attachment awarded for 6.1.5
10 Jun 1737 - Head Lynch agt the estate (property) of Nicholas
Lankford. William Burdett to be summoned to declare what of Nicholas
Lankford he has in his hands,
12 Aug 1737 - Head Lynch agt Nicholas Lankford. Dismissed
12 Aug 1737 - Nicholas Lankford agt William Burdett. Dismissed
09 Sep 1737 - Henry Armistead agt James Lankford. Dismissed
10 Mar 1738 - Nicholas Lankford agt William Burdett. Dismissed
08 Sep 1738 - Nicholas Lankford agt William Burdett. Dismissed. In Chancery
11 Sep 1741 - Robinson agt Nicholas Lankford Junr. Judgment granted for ____
09 Apr 1742 - J. Bowie, merchant agt James Lankford. Deft not appearing
judgment against his estate for 20L
14 May 1742 - J. Bowie agt James Lankford. Sheriff attached 1 broad ax &
1 iron wedge
11 Jun 1742 - J. Bowie agt James Lankford. Sheriff to sell 1 broad ax& 1
iron wedge
11 Feb 1743 - John Camm granted judgment agt Nicholas Lankford & John
08 Apr 1743 - John Camm agt Nicho Lankford & John Chisum. Said Chisum
being dec'd the suit abates.
09 Sep 1743 - Mace Pickett to pay Nicho Lankford & Joseph Herndon for
two days attendance as evidence for him agt Lewis Turner
10 Sep 1743 - Robt Lyon agt Nicho Lankford. Action of trespass. Dismissed.
10 Mar 1744 - Humphrey Bell merchant vs. Nicholas Lankford debt.
13 Jul 1744 - Bell vs. Nicholas Lankford - dismissed
10 Nov 1744 - Nicholas Lankford agt Robert Lyon. Dismissed
11 Jan 1745 - Robt. Lyon agt Benja Lankford. Jury finds for deft.
08 Mar 1745 - Samuel Coleman agt James Lankford. Dismissed
12 Apr 1745 - John Baylor agt Nicholas Lankford Junr - debt. Judgment
for pltf.
14 Dec 1745 - Benj. Lankford agt estate of Philip Herndon. Judgment for pltf
15 Feb 1745 - Suit on attachment. Benja Lankford agt Phillip Herndon.
Sheriff returned that he attached a parcel of corn, parcel of tobacco
hanging, and a parcel of fodder. Edward Herndon & Richard Walden,
garnishees, stated they have belonging to the defendant. 2 iron wedges,
pair of sheep sheers, a ball of shoemakers thread, a candlestick, pair
of cotton cards, pair of nitt needles & a shirt. Property of the
defendant. Sheriff to sell items to pay judgment.
14 Feb 1747 - Matthew Bogle of Glasgow, merchant agt Thomas Lankford.
Judgment granted against him and Wm. Woodford, Gent. His security.
12 Jun 1747 - Bogle, merchant agt Thomas Lankford. Dismissed, being agreed.
08 Jul 1747 - Charles Dick, merchant agt Thomas Lankford. Robt
Taliaferro, the garnishee, failing to appear, a summons to issue agt his
10 Feb 1749 -James Lankford one of several witnesses to the will of
Wiliam Brown, proved the will in court.
11 Mar 1749 - Roger Quarles to pay Nicholas Lankford for 6 days
attendance for him as evidence in his suit against Eliza Anderson, exors
of John Anderson.
10 Mar 1750 - Nicholas Lankford to pay John Robinson for 10 days
attendance as evidence for him at his suit agt Hump'y Bell of London,
11 Jul 1751 - William Johnston &c the exors of Samuel Coleman agt
Benjamin & Jos. Lankford - on a debt from 12 Mar 1750.
11 May 1753 - Nicho Lankford to pay John Robinson for 12 days attendance
as evidence against Bell.
13 Sep 1753 - John Browns deed to Frans Claton. Proved by James Lankford
& Natha Young wit.
26 Nov 1753 - Joseph Lankford produced a certifidate from William
Woodford, Gent. For taking up a runaway negro man belonging to Col. John
Corbin of Essex.
15 Dec 1753 - James Lankford agt Nicho. Horn, dismissed. Debt.
15 Dec 1753 - Humphy Bell, merchant agt Nicholas Lankford. Trespass,
Jury finds for defendant. Nicholas Lankford to pay James Lankford and
John Robinson (each) 75 pounds for 3 days attendance as evidence.
15 Jul 1757 - Nicholas Lankford agt William Brownhill, petition.
Judgment for Lankford.
13 Oct 1757 - Debt. Peter Copland agt Benja Lankford. Defendant
acknowledges the debt. From 10 Mar 1756
09 Mar 1758 - Motion of Nicho. Lankford & James Powell. Ordered Mary
Lyon summoned to next court to give counter security for the
guardianship of the estate of Ann & Sara Lyon, orphans. 11 May 1758 -
Ann & Sarah Lyon chose William Broughill their guardian
11 Aug 1758 - Edmond Taylor agt Benjamin Lankford, debt. William
Broughill undertook for the defendant Benja. That in case he should be
cast in this suit, he should pay the condemnation.
11 May 1759 - Edmund Taylor agt Benjamin Lankford. Debt. Jury finds for
the pltf.
12 Jun 1759 - Dunlop &company agt Benjamin Lankford. Judgment of the
last August court against him and John Lyon his security
10 Jul 1760 - Richd Lankford by Ben: Lankford moved the court to take
testimony of the verbal gift of a slave and it appearing to the court
that the executors of Dixon had legal notice of the motion, its ordered
the same be continued.
11 Sep 1760 - On motion of Richard Lankford by Ben: Lankford to prove a
verbal gift of a negro slave, it appearing to the Court that William
Johnston and Wm. Broughill, executors of the last will of Robert Lyon,
the doner had legal notice of the motion, the depositions of Ambrose
Jones, Ben: Bough, & Nichs. Lankford were taken. The Court are of
opinion the gift is sufficiently proved.
08 Apr 1762 - Robert Lankford agt Samuel Garlick. Dismissed
11 Jun 1762 - James Lankford agt William Brown, debt. Dismissed
11 Jun 1762 - Samuel Jeter agt Mich. Brassfield & Nichs Lankford.
Petition. Granted pltf for 4.11.6
13 Aug 1762 - Dunlop & company agt James Lankford. Debt. Dismissed
09 Mar 1764 - Moza Hurt vs Samuel Norment. Moza to pay John Norment for
6 days attendance; Francis Lankford 125 pounds for 5 days & Thomas
Arthur 50 pounds for two days attendance as evidence against Norment.
12 Apr 1764 - Joseph Lankford appointed guardian to Joseph, Nicholas &
Richard Bridges, orphans of Morgan Bridges.

(NOTE: I could find no reference to the death of Morgan Bridges in the
order Books. On 10 Feb 1763 he appeared in court & stated he had in his
hands one hogshead of tobacco belonging to Michael Brassfield - in the
suit of Henry Pemberton vs Michael Brassfield. See below **)

14 Jun 1764 - John Almond agt Robert Lankford, dismissed.
16 Feb 1765 - Joseph Lankford agt John Bowcock & George Wily. Judgment
for pltf
16 Feb 1765 - Joseph Lankford agt George Wily. Sheriff to sell a Negro
belonging to Wily. to pay the debt
16 Feb 1765 - William Johnston agt Michl. Brassfield and Benja Lankford.
Petition. Continued
15 Mar 1765 - John Gray & Company agt Benjamin Lankford. The pltf to
sell one hilling hoe to pay the debt owed.
15 Jun 1765 - William Johnston agt Michael Brassfield & Benjamin
Lankford. Abates as to Brassfield. Pltf to recover from Lankford.
13 Sep 1765 - Nicholas Lankford agt John Norment. Judgment for Lankford.
10 Jul 1767 - James
14 Jan 1768 - Robert Lyon, exor of Mary Lyon, agt William Bird &
Nicholas Lankford. Petition of debt. Defendants failed to appear, on
motion of pltf by his attorney, judgment is granted pltf for l.3.0
14 Apr 1768 - John Gray &company agt Benjamin Lankford - debt
13 Aug 1768 - Jeremiah Stone exor of William Stone agt James Lankford
Senr. Debt. defendant did not appear and judgment against Lankford and
his security, William Spicer.
12 Jan 1769 - Nicholas Lankford agt William Bird. An attachment in the
hands of Francis Coleman for 385 tobacco
10 Jun 1769 - John Gray & Co agt Benjamin Lankford. Dismissed.
12 Oct 1769 - Ordered Nicholas Lankford, John Smith, Richard Woolfolk &
Robert Woolfolk to appraise the estate of John Lyon.
13 Jul 1770 - Ambrose Jones to pay Nicholas Lankford, 75 tob for
attending court 3 days as evidence for him agt Collins
08 Nov 1770 - Grand Jury presented a long list including James Lankford
for not giving in his list of tithes.

11 Jul 1771 - On motion of William Cradduck Wisdom, he is granted
administration of the estate of Henry Langford deceased. - Ordered John
Sutton, Richard Edmondson, Thomas Berry & Nathaniel Norment to appraise
the estate of Henry Langford deceased.

12 Aug 1771 - John Baylor Pltf against Benjamin Lankford deft. The same
& the same. On attachment. These suits are continued & it is ordered
that Richard Woolfolk, Thomas Jones, John Johnson to settle with the
executors of Mary Lyons their account of administration on their
decedents estate & report to court.
12 Sep 1771 - Estate & Appraisement of Henry Lankford, deceased returned
and ordered to be recorded.
12 Jun 1772 - Richard Johnston, exor of Francis Coleman dec'd. agnst
Nicholas Lankford. Dismissed.
10 Sep 1772 - Spencer Boyd agt Joseph Lankford. Deft failed to appear.
Judgment for pltf.
12 Mar 1773 - Nicholas Bridges against Samuel Curd (or Surl?). Debt.
judgment granted pltf.
15 May 1773 - Diana Lyon against Nicholas Bridges. Debt. dismissed.
15 May 1773 - John McCall & company agt Joseph Lankford. Debt. John
Scandland entered himself as special bail for the defendant.
11 Jun 1773 - Elizabeth Ray (?Peay) agt Joseph Lankford. In Case. Thomas
Jones, special bail for defendant.
12 Aug 1773 - William Cradduck Wisdom account of the estate of Henry
Langford deceased returned and ordered to be recorded.
11 Nov 1773 - Elizabeth Peay agt James Langford. The deposition of John
George of Hanover is to be taken & filed as evidence. Elizabeth Peay
pay John George two hundred hhd tobacco for attending court 3 days &
three times coming & returning 20 miles, as evidence for her.
11 Nov 1773 - Elizabeth Lankford presented for having a bastard child.
12 Nov 1773 - Elizabeth Peay pltf agt James Lankford. William Tyler,
John Minor & Roger Quarles appointed arbitrators in the case.
12 Nov 1773 - James Conduit agt Joseph Lankford & Thomas Lowry.
Defendants failed to appear. Pltf granted judgment for 6 pounds.
12 Nov 1773 - Elizabeth Peay to pay Martha Noden 150 tob for attending
court 6 days as evidence for her against James Lankford.
12 Nov 1773 - Joseph Lumpkin agt John Penn. Debt. Nicholas Lankford
09 Dec 1773 - Elizabeth Peay agt James Lankford. The Arbitrators in the
suit met at Chesterfield (a small Village in Caroline Co) and settled
all the disputes between Elizabeth Peay and James Lankford. Pltf to
recover 5 pounds. Signed: William Tyler & Roger Quarles. Elizabeth Peay
to pay Martha Noden - 50 pounds for two days attendance.
13 Jan 1774 - McCall & Elliott (merchants) agt Joseph Lankford & Thomas
Riddle. Deft. Failed to appear. Judgment for pltf for 37 pounds.
10 Mar 1774 - Mortgage from James Lankford to William Gray & Co.
recorded. Proven by Andrew Leckie & James Carter.
12 Mar 1774 - Henry Lyne, assignee of John Penn pltf agt John Norment &
Joseph Lumpkin. Debt. Nicholas Lankford security for defendants.
11 Jul 1782 - Commonwealth agt Elizabeth Lankford, dismissed
12 Jul 1782 - Francis Smith agt Nicholas Lankford. Dismissed
15 Aug 1783 - Rebecca Riddle agt John Farish, Nicholas Lankford & Joseph
Bridges. Debt. dismissed.
09 Oct 1783 - The last will & testament of James Lankford proved by the
witness and recorded. On motion of William Lankford he was granted
probate. Joseph Campbell, Richard Tyler, John Hampton or James Terrell
to appraise the estate.
13 May 1784 - Inventory and appraisement of James Lankford returned.

11 Jun 1785 - Andrew Leckie agt Benjamin Fletcher and Euclid Lankford.
Debt. Nicholas Lankford his security.
16 May 1787 - John Nunn - agt Edmund Lankford. Debt. Nicholas Lankford

Feb 1795 - Nicholas Lanford - is exempt from paying the county levy.
(because of old age?)

No Langford on the land tax books - 1787-1799.

**Cemeteries of Caroline County, Virginia, Vol 2, compiled by Herbert
Ridgeway Collins.

Bridges - Pollard Family Cemetery
Located on Route 647 or Reedy Mill Road at Ready Mill, originally called
"Broad Plains". In 1853 George T. Burruss purchased " Broad Plains"
from Richard Morgan Bridges, son of Richard Bridges and his 2nd wife
Nancy Johnson - the ¼ acres Bridges Family Cemetery was reserved.

Morgan Bridges (1720-1764) married Mary Lankford, the daughter of
Nicholas Lankford who died in 1743 & his wife Kathryn Guiney (bc 1695)
and they lived at "Elam Hill," near Milford in Caroline Co. They had
issue 3 sons and 1 daughter, Richard, Joseph, Morgan and Frances
Bridges. Richard m 1st Louisa Jones, daughter of Thomas & Sarah
(Woolfolk) Jones. Richard's 2nd wife was Nancy Johnson, widow of Samuel
Norment (see Norments above)

GRAVESTONE: Richard Bridges, son of Morgan Bridges and Mary Lankford,
died April 3, 1826

Hope this helps someone,