Berea College Appalachian Center
Amnesty Letters Project
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ID Number: 150
Name: William Lankford
County: Buncombe
Date: September 5, 1865
Roll: 40, Frame(s): 612-615
Exceptions Cited: 1
The petition of William Lankford, a citizen of the County of Buncombe in the State of North Carolina, respectfully represents unto your Excellency, that he never ceased to be the friend of the Federal Union and to desire its triumph and perpetuation; but incontrollable circumstances forced him to participate in the late rebellion in the Southern states to a small extent; he felt it to be his duty to vote at most of the popular elections, voting always for peace candidates for office; he paid such taxes as were from time to time required of him and for the convenience of his neighbors, he accepted the office of Post Master at Fair View in said county, under the pretended Confederate States Government; that on occasion he was arrested by the military authorities for alleged disloyalty to the pretended government; that he is rejoiced at the restoration of the Union & prays that it may be perpetual.
Your petitioner is advised that he is excluded from the benefits of your Excellency’s Amnesty Proclamation, dated the [29th] day of [May] A.D. 1865, and he therefore prays your Excellency to grant unto him special pardon for such participation in said rebellion. And your petitioner will ever pray[.]
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