Wednesday, February 09, 2005


This is a place to post problems regarding historical cemeteries and those which may not be historical but are in jeopardy of distruction in the name of the dirty word: Progress.

Below is a problem of concern to the citizens of Tazewell County Virginia. If you read this please feel free to copy and send to your local historical association and newspaper to raise the conscience of those with a voice and who can act through legislation and court orders and enforcement of court orders by county sheriff department.

Tazewell Co, VA - L list Monday, 7 Feb 2005

News of land owner, W. L. Finney's removal of the iron fence surrounding
a cemetery containing the sacred resting place of Revolutionary soldier,
Hezekiah Whitt.

Mr. Finney has stated that it is also his intention to remove the stones.
The cemetery is the burial place of the WHITT-LOWE family, and is known
by that name.

The destruction of the historic Whitt house has already begun; the upper
floor has been demolished. While we may be powerless to prevent further
damage to the house, it is lawfully within our power to halt the egregious
invasion of this cemetery.

With the assistance of the Historical Society, the Tazewell County
administration has been apprised of the situation and are acting upon
it. I have been in contact with reporters from the Bluefield Daily Telegraph
and television station, WVVA.

Please pass the word along to any who are willing to help, especially
SAR/DAR organizations, SCV camps, and those who live in the southwest VA
area. There is no time for letter writing, your phone calls are desperately

If you would like further information of yesterday's events, please browse
the archives of the Tazewell - L. If you can lend help and support in any
way, please make phone calls, subscribe to the Tazewell-L and let your
voice be heard.

After the urls, please scroll down for phone numbers in Tazewell County.
I will respond to all who wish to contact me, (after you have read the
archived messages).

Stand up and be counted among the numbers of us who will not tolerate
the desecration to the memory of our ancestors who fought to win our
country's freedom.

Debra Rookard
Atlanta, GA
5th great granddaughter of Hezekiah Whitt

I hear their whispers; etherial, soft, and still.
Daughter, if you don't remember us, who will?


Whitt-Lowe Cemetery Transcription

Persons to Contact:
276.979.8181 State Senator Phillip P. Puckett

276.988.5966 H. Caudill, Sheriff of Tazewell County

276.988.7541 James E. Blevins, Tazewell County Clerk

276.988.1266 Deanis Simmons , Tazewell County Attorney

276.988.1240 Dennis Lee, Attorney for the Commonwealth of VA, Tazewell

276.963.1081 - Richlands News Press
276.988.4770 - Clinch Valley News

Proactive Citizen
Subject: Re: Destruction of Revolutionary Cemetery in Tazewell Co, VA

I have emailed my local NJ [ Courier News (Bridgewater, NJ)
statewide coverage, and is one of the largest newspapers in NJ. They are
very proactive] newspaper "Letter to the Editor" with the following:

"Although the event described in the attached mesage occured in Virginia,
the problem is nationwide. Historians, genealogists and concerned
citizens should be aware that we all have a part in preserving our
national heritage(s). The destruction of historical landmarks has
happened, and may happen again, in any state. New Jersey, which had its
fair share of action during the American Revolution, and is the home to
innumerable locations of historical value, should be aware of this danger
and plan for this eventuality. The desecration of our Revolutionary
burial grounds and/or landmarks should not be tolerated. We, instead,
should be honoring and recognizing those who fought and died to preserve
our country's legacy, rather than usurping their final resting places and
destroying the sites where they fought and suffered.

Barbara Brown Hootman
Hillsborough, New Jersey "

I am also forwarding this message to the NY Times.